Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

my family tatiana


My family is samll my dad,my mom,my brother. in the morning my dad sleeps and whacahes tv, my mom gets up at 5:30 ,makes the breakfast,my brother gets up at 6:00 am ,eats breakfast at 6:30am and takes a shower and gets dress and goes to school every day, before my dad goes to work,after eats breakfast,waches tv,takes shower,gets dress and goes to work till at 7:00 pm.
I get up at 9:00 am every day,wacht tv clean the house,take a shower,get dress,before have lunch and go to school,back at 6:45 pm,have dinner,do you homework,wacht tv and slepp at 11:00 pm my mom goes sleep at 10:00 pm my brother at 9:30 pm and my dad 12:00 am

Family's Rutine

My family is not very large, the people who make up five are:
* My mom is called OLGA
* My dad is called Norbey
* My brother is called CAMILO
* My other brother is called SANTIAGO
And my dog is called Lupita

each have different personalities, tastes and routines ...

My mom is in school and transportation is his routine:
* She gets up at 5:00 A.M
* She take a shower at 5:05 A.M
* she serve breakfast at 5:20 A.M
* she goes to work at 5:30 A.M
* she Return home at 2:20 p.m.
* she lunch and rest until 5:00 p.m
* Then comes the food we
* she goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.

My dad is police and his routine is:
* he gets up at 4:00 A.M
* he take a shower 4:10 A.M
* He has Breakfast at 4:30 A.M
* He goes to work at 4:55 A.M
* He Comes to work at 10:00 p.m
* He Goes to bed at 11:00 p.m.

My little brother is a student AND ROUTINE IS:
* He gets up at 5:15 A.M
* he takes a shower at 5:15 A.M
* He has Breakfast at 5:20 A.M
* He goes to study at 5:55 A.M
* Comes from study at 1:45 p.m
* He has lunch Lunch
* makes the homeworks
* he eats at 7:00 p.m and sometimes doesn't eat
* finally he goes to bed anytime

My older brother is a student and his routine is:
* he get up at 5:25 A.M
* he take a shower at 5:25 A.M
* he has Breakfast at 5:40 A.M
* he goes to study at 5:55 A.M
* he Arrives at 1:45 to study p.m
* he has Lunch
* he makes homeworks
* he eats at 7:00
* he goes to bed anytime

My routine is:
* I get up at 5:00 and sometimes at 4:30 A.M
* I take a shower at 5:00 A.M bath
* I have breakfast at 5:20 A.M
* I'm going to study at 5:55 A.M
* I Arrival at 1:45 p.m
* I Lunch
* I Sleep
* I make homeworks
* I go to bed as at 7:00

my family

my family is big

i get up in the morning , go swimming, breakfast and go to school

my mother does the some but she remains in the house doing offices

my father does the some in the morning but he work

my brother study in the university
And at night we met all to eat

The hours are not fixed

my family is small, my dad,my mom,my grandmother and me in the morning my dad gets up at a 5:00 am eats breakfast and take a shower and gets dresser evry day beafore my father goes to work goes back 7:oopm and sleeps a 9:00pm my mom gets up at a 5:00am eats breafast and take a shower and gets drsser evry day beafore my mom goes to work goes back 6:00pm and sleeps a 10:00pm my grandmother gets up at a 6:00am eats breafast and take a shower and gets dresser every day and before hause wit and sleeps a 10.00pm i get up at a 5:00am eats brefast and take a shower and get dresser every day before go to school go back 1:oopm an sleeps a 10:00pm
my family is very big the menbers is ... uncles, aunts, grandfathers, cousins, sisters, brothers and fathers

my mother name is alba
my father name is ivan
my uncles names is juan, gerardo, maria, willian, lucia, luis, gloria, and gustavo
my cousins names is daniel, valentina, valeria, valentina, susana, santiago and brian
my grandmons names is teresa and amparo
my grandfather name is octavio

I wake-up, shower and I dress, I am go to school Luis Amigó.

My father and my mother they wake-up and eat breakfast, they shower and go to work.My father to the UBA Coomeva because he is a doctor, and my mother to the differents hospitals because she is a professional nurse.

My brother is a student of Luis Amigó school, in the morning he wake-up,eats breakfast after showers, he dresses and he goes to Luis Amigó School.

After go back to our home, eat together and watch T.V and other things.

My dad is a great person and very very intelligent.

My mom is a great person and very happy also intelligent.

My brother he likes the rock metal, and play World Of Warcraft (WOW).

my family is very big, my fathers name is eduardo rojas cañas he born in medellin he is 47 years old, my mothers name is maria alvarez naranjo she born in medellin she is 45 years old, my name is camilo rojas alvarez i am 23 years old i born in medellin in the hospital san visente de paul, i estudy in san jose de la salle this school is in the palmas street, in this are many trees is very beautifull in this school study my sister shes name is susana rojas alvarez. i have 8 tios, but i dont talk with they. my grandfathers name is efrain alvarez alvarez, my grandmothers name is blanca naranjo.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

triller video is not the real me is not boring like most, besides i do not like about michael jackson music


How to create a power point presentation

Saturday, August 1, 2009

a day in my family

my family consists of my father, my mother and me my fathers name is luis guillermo and rose at 7 o'clock am to go to work,and my mother gets up at 6 to go to work, he eats this brakfasta at 8 o clock , she works in the enterprce too and me study of liceo salazar and herrera i studing english in this university